Machine, the 2nd album of Jason & Co

In the pure tradition of classic rock, an endearing album for a well-oiled "Machine".

Jason and Co
Hailing from La Roquette sur Siagne, the band, created in 2014, is composed of Jason Fauvet, on guitar and vocals, Christophe Fauvet on bass and backing vocals, Lionel Aubert on guitar and Morgane Taylor, (ex-drummer of the band Miss America), on drums. After the release of a 1st album: Toucher le ciel in 2016, Jason & Co is back with a 12 track album: Machine, available on all streaming platforms since September 18 and record stores.

We had attended their live at the Altherax in Nice last October, and we had appreciated their generous and energetic performance. 

The song Machine, of the same title as the album, propels us in the wheels of their powerful rock universe, with a swaying and catchy tempo. 

Dans la peau d’un autre where the questioning on what we could have become, to choose in other circumstances, by living another existence than ours, is posed on notes quite as subtle as this search for meaning. Jason's voice becomes more fragile when he hums: "... in the skin of another. What will I be today? ... in someone else's skin. What will I be today?", bringing out the uncertainty of what it feels like when doubt assails us. But, the strength is well present, exalted by the breath of the courage, because it is necessary to be able to question itself and to imagine itself " in the skin of another ". Very beautiful piece concluding with a nice guitar solo.

Que feront nos gosses highlights our responsibility towards our children in the face of the challenge of global warming. The fast instrumentation resounds like a cry of alarm, sounding the sad statement of what we will leave behind us. The chorus grabs us in the guts, assisted by a guitar with an incisive melody and a muscular rhythmic.

Jet set proposes an interesting opening with the drums. A rhythm which embraces us as promptly as these girls "who are ready for anything". 

On Sans loi sans haine, the guitars are superimposed in a tasty complicity. At 2'14, the soloist retaliates to the "hey!" chanted by Jason and Christophe, to fade away at 2'43, on a voice/drums mix, before a dynamic instrumental reprise.

Des mots qui te retiennent: is a very nice ballad. Jason is particularly convincing, letting the strength of his emotion shine through. An excellent solo at 2'54 accentuates the turmoil to exalt it further.

The emotion goes up another notch with La solitude. Jason takes it to a new level of power as the guitar heats up to meet his vibrato and then the instrument joins the voice in a beautiful duet.

After a passage by Monument Valley, the album ends with a tribute song to Johnny, Le roi des rockeurs.

The album is in the pure tradition of American classic rock, with deep blues influences and a touch of southern rock. The texts, exclusively in French, are neat and meaningful and served by the beautiful voice of Jason, assured and powerful. 12 tracks, each enriched with a crystalline solo, energetic riffs, a rhythmic that does not lack groove and catchy choruses. Attaching, ebullient and well trained, Jason & Co, formed 7 years ago, is forging an ever stronger identity and deserves that we linger on their compositions and especially on : Machine, their latest creation.  

Tracklist :

01 – Machine
02 – Dans la peau d’un autre
03 – Que feront nos gosses
04 – A jamais plus fort
05 – Jet set
06 – Sans loi sans haine
07 – Des mots qui te retiennent
08 – A un fil
09 – Je bois de l’eau
10 – La solitude
11 - Monument Valley
12 – Le roi des rockeurs

Article de Nathalie Bellesso
Author of the heroic fantasy trilogy " Les Véritables "
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