Laurent Masquelier's portrait

Laurent lent himself to the game of portraits, here are some answers to our questions ...

Since when do you evolve in music?

Laurent :
In high school, I started playing guitar and piano. Then, quickly, Djé the bass player and I started to play together. The band was born a few months later.
The adventure Mare imbrium could start at the beginning of the years 2000.
Then, everything went crescendo in the investment and the creation until today. The taste for the stage and the studio was immediate.
After several line-up changes, the band stabilized in 2015 with the arrival of Alexandre Fogliani (Eon MhZ...). After several EPs, we recorded our first LP "LIFER" in 2018. Quite a few concerts followed including Brussels, Paris, Reims, Lyon, St Etienne.
Mare imbrium has more than a hundred concerts to date. We are currently recording a 2nd LP.

What are your musical influences?

Laurent :
My influences are mostly based on rock (especially English rock). My tastes are quite varied. I listen to alternative rock as well as film music, bossa nova, electro pop and hip hop. I like everything that can be trippy.

Have you already recorded an album or an EP?

Laurent :
With Mare imbrium :

EP#1 : (en cas d') urgence (2013)
EP#2 : un océan (2014)
LP#1 : LIFER (2018)

Which song fits you best?

Laurent :
I think it's "Paranoid Android" by Radiohead. It's an epic song in several parts that alternates rhythmic moments, calm moments, rock moments, soaring moments. A masterpiece, a real song with drawers that sums up what I like in music.

Which artist would you like to share the stage with?

Laurent :

What are your other passions or interests besides music?

Laurent :
I like movies, TV shows and soccer.

If you could only keep 3 albums among all the ones you own, which ones would you keep?

Laurent :
"In rainbows" Radiohead
"Mellon collie + infinite sadness" Smashing pumpkins
"Painted ruins" Grizzly Bear

What is the unmentionable song you sing in your shower?

Laurent :
"Respect" alliance ethnik

Define, in 3 words, what music means to you

Laurent :
dream, energy, introspection

A song to share with us?

portrait musician

& your portrait ?

If you are a musician in the 06 rock scene and you wish to have your portrait taken, don't hesitate to send us a note with your name, your first name, your band(s) and your email address.

We will be happy to send you the link to create your portrait online !

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