Ticule le Sicilien's portrait

Ticule lent himself to the game of portraits, here are some answers to our questions ...

Since when do you evolve in music?

Ticule :
To tell the truth, I started in high school around 1994-1995 as a guitarist in a pop/rock cover band. Then a second cover band with more keyboard, singer... But I really start what I like with my first Pop/Punk band (Mypsyandme) in 1996 as a drummer ! When I arrived at the University of Nice in 1997, I was playing solo in the pubs of the old town (guitar and vocals) for 3 years which completely eradicated any hope of a career in my science studies... I meet a lot of people and I participate in many rock cover bands. But at the same time, my real passion is composing bands. Monkeysoup (guitar - Raggafunkrock) and especially Jeanpaultrash (Bass - FusionHardcore) with whom we create the collective of the roust with our friends of ONFZ-D and Mald'aurore. At the same time, I also participate in more crazy projects like Simulatone (experimental) with the great Merakhazaan and former members of the first real tribute (to F.Zappa) "Children of invention". In 2005 after having spent almost 10 years doing nothing but that, I put all this aside to devote myself to my family life... almost 15 years go by and at the bend of an aperitif, here I am in PAPAFURAX (Fusion metal / Hip hop) with as line-up my buddies of the time, stemming from the various groups with which I played or shared the scene. Here I am back for many years of pleasure and rock n' roll !

What are your musical influences?

Ticule :
Unquestionably Jimi Hendrix, then the rock of the 70's. That's really my base, the one I'll never betray. The punk of the 80's opened my mind to understand that the fundamentals are the energy and the message! This spirit, with beautiful production, gave birth to grunge in the 90's and I couldn't cut it. Mike Patton allowed me to understand that there are bridges between all styles and that true talent is to open your mind to have no creative limits... then Stupeflip or Svinkels showed me the way to accept that hip-hop is not limited to Iam or NTM (that I love). That there is a good dose of Rock in there for our greatest pleasure...

Have you already recorded an album or an EP?

Ticule :
Of course and since the beginning. The studio is really what I prefer and I've been there with almost all my bands with rather... fluctuating success. But if I had to remember only one, it would be the last EP of Papafurax "le feu" because in studio, it is the experience which is important. Thanks to MeanCat studio in Nice !!!!!

Which song fits you best?

Ticule :
Atom heart mother - Pink Floyd, in the morning
Philthy philanthropist - NoFx, at noon
1993 - Stupeflip, in the evening

Which artist would you like to share the stage with?

Ticule :
Jimi Hendrix without a doubt... In contemporary : Mike Patton

What are your other passions or interests besides music?

Ticule :
I do wildlife photography, more precisely of fish.

If you could only keep 3 albums among all the ones you own, which ones would you keep?

Ticule :
Electric Ladyland - Jimi Hendrix
Disco volante - Mr Bungle
Stup virus - Stupeflip

What is the unmentionable song you sing in your shower?

Ticule :
Au bal masqué - Creole Company

Define, in 3 words, what music means to you

Ticule :
Sex, Drugs, Rock&roll

portrait musician

& your portrait ?

If you are a musician in the 06 rock scene and you wish to have your portrait taken, don't hesitate to send us a note with your name, your first name, your band(s) and your email address.

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